Monday, January 4, 2010


Author :- Jaymala

Even as the human brain sick by ADD does intend affected adversely at times, it can still function well enough for persons to benefit from the condition, such as:

1. ADD endows persons affected by this disorder to have an accumulated sense of empathy since the condition grants them enhanced knowledge to pore on others and varied view points.

A sense of ingenuity is granted by the condition also and some creative grouping such as artists, movie makers, composers and performing artists besides sculptors have been endowed with accumulated capabilities, thanks to ADD; Beethoven and Mozart are prime examples of ADD sick grouping existence successful.

Increased eagerness and motivation towards likeable tasks grips ADD-afflicted persons to perform well on the job if they have the right tools and make a success of it, too.

Research has shown that persons assumed to have ADD are blessed with a greater knowledge to solve puzzles, problems and theoris defying explanations so as to keep at it till a logical, correct conclusion is reached; it was the case with famous inventors like .Thomas discoverer and saint Jefferson.

5. Another plus of having ADD is getting the added knowledge to pore more on reaching goals and meeting short or long term objectives such as living out dreams and keeping jobs, if kept under strict control.

Another positive feature of having ADD is that not only does a controlled condition ensure work gets done well, but also endow ADDers with a jovial nature, giving them the knowledge to laugh and make grouping around them join in the recreation with their improved sense of humor; in fact, whatever famous comedians attributed with ADD include Whoopi cartoonist and Robin Williams.

A resilient fiber is also attributed to grouping diagnosed with ADD.

Increased intuitiveness thanks to a higher sense of awareness is the added gift of ADD, find grouping diagnosed with this disorder.

This knowledge to think and act faster than others gives grouping having ADD the knowledge to intend a deeper insight into the human mind and become more intensely susceptible to situations and grouping around them. Thus, having ADD turns out to be a valuable gift for some such persons with ADD.

Innovative intellection and ideation are another abilities that ADD-ers are endowed with, which helps add to the strenght of a brain-storming session.

A Unique appearance thanks to a primary knowledge to look at the world around them is the last but not least important attribute of grouping sick with ADD; while others may not fully understand this advantage, some ADD-ers feel this enables them to share a certain primary wavelength with another kindred souls.